Thursday, August 9, 2012

Here Goes Nothing.

Today is the day! Ready or not...I'm  leaving in just as few hours.

I'm feeling a mix of extreme excitement and nervousness...but mostly excitement. (I hardly slept at all last night.) 

The group takes off from Grand Rapids tonight at 8:45. We then go to Chicago, then to London (Fingers crossed that I run into an Olympian that happens to be leaving), and finally to Ghana. It will take about 17 hours. So naturally I'll be the definition of pleasant by the time I arrive and probably super well rested.....or not. ;)

Anyways, keep me and the rest of the group in your thoughts and prayers as we travel. I'm looking forward to a great semester. :)

Here goes nothing!

1 comment:

  1. It was so great to hear your voice on the phone tonight! So thankful you arrived safely and can now settle in. I'm so proud of you! I am looking forward to more blog entries so we can experience a little bit of Ghana along with you.
    Love you so much,
