I haven't had the internet since last Wednesday! We did some cool stuff this weekend, so read away!
Aug. 22
Another day of class. Today I had class from 8:30am-7:45pm
with a two and half hour break at lunch. The day felt like an eternity.
We did have our first African Drumming and Dance class. We
drummed for about 50 minutes. It was so much fun. Our instructor taught us some
basics and then had us do some cool rhythms together as a group. Dancing was
okay. I don’t really love to dance, but I did enjoy myself. We did some traditional
name learning dances that local children like to do.
Confession: The past two days have been hard. My classes feel stressful
and I don’t get a lot of time to just be by myself. I get energy from having
time alone, so never having that time is really exhausting.
I’m really
craving a sandwich right now. A real one with sliced bread. (Weird, I know) My
diet here so far has consisted of fruit (mostly pineapple), small loaves of bread,
and white rice. If I really want ice cream—which is always, I buy this stuff called
FanChoco. It’s basically a fudgecicle in different packaging. It’s pretty good.
It feels weird craving things from home after only 2 weeks away, but it really
feels like I’ve been here for much longer. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely
love it here, but there are times when I really just want to eat a vegetable or
something. Like tonight, I had bought French fries for dinner because ketchup
sounded awesome.
Aug. 23
I had orientation at the Community Hospital today. It’s a
pretty nice place. Interestingly, 2 journalists and a businessman established
it and it’s a for-profit hospital.
I’m a little bit disappointed in my placement. I still don’t
entirely understand what I will be doing there and I’m not sure how helpful I’m
going to be to them. I’m going to talk to Roland about it later to see if there
is something else I can do.
Also, while at the hospital, two offers of marriage were
made to me. Unfortunately, I had to decline. ;)
We’re staying in The Almond Tree Guest House just outside of
Cape Coast. It’s really quite pleasant. A family from Jamaica runs the place—my
room is the Bob Marley room. :) After our tours today, I got to take a shower. The
water has been out in my dorm room at the university for the past day and a
half, so the shower was very much welcomed. Not only did the water in the
shower work, but there was hot water as well. I’m not sure I can describe how
wonderful that was. I'm starting to appreciate water more than ever. We tend to take it for granted in the States because it's always available, but here we're learning to live well without constant access to it. It's kind of nice in a way.
We ate dinner at a small restaurant (using that term
loosely) across the street from the guest-house. We ate a local dish called Red
Red. I think it’s made up of beans, gari (a grainy, white powder), and a red
sauce. We also had fried plantains, salad with avocado, and white rice. It was
delicious. Loved every bit of it.
I bought some FanChoco to satisfy another ice cream craving
and then we visited a beach resort down the road. I’ve come down with a
terrible cold, so I went to be early.
Aug. 25
After the canopy walk, we spent the remainder of our day on
a beautiful, empty beach. We got to relax in hammocks, swim, soak in some sun,
and on top of all of those wonderful things, we were fed the most amazing meal
of my life. We were served different kinds of rice, French fries (I know that
sounds weird, but they are way better here than at home), chicken with
vegetables, calamari, fried plantains, lobster, and the most delicious fish I
ever tasted (I don’t know what the name was).
I also talked to Roland about my internship placement. I
think I’m going to be moved to a different organization, but I don’t know which
one yet.
Anyways, I loved every bit of our time at the beach. We left
around 4pm and didn’t get back to the university until 8pm. We hit some crazy
Now I need to focus on the pile of homework that I have to
do for Monday.
Happy birthday today, Dad! Glad I was able to talk to you
for a minute this afternoon.
Aug. 26
I’m sick. The cold that I came down with this weekend will
not give in and on top of that I think I have a minor digestive issue, so I
stayed home from church today to rest. The good news is that I’ve spent the day
doing homework. I don’t get internet in my room, so I don’t have anything to
distract me. I got most of it done, but my computer is also malfunctioning
right now. The mouse is acting on it’s own. So when I type, it moves around and
clicks on random things and deletes sentences, etc. It’s been extremely
frustrating. Just typing this is taking way longer than it should because of
the issue. Anyways, I’ve done what homework I can.
We have our first group bible study tonight. I’m hoping to
go and make it through the whole thing. Hopefully I can manage it.
Thanks for another post on your blog. I'm not sure I am comfortable with you getting proposals! I hope your stomach feels better soon! Glad you had a fun weekend after such a hard week of classes. Praying for you always, Mom